We don't just go places...we have ADVENTURES!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Battle for the Remote

Beastie had a pretty good night...thanks in part to a new hospital service--a sitter. More officially, a Patient Comfort Assistant. A team of lovely folks traded shifts to sit in the room with us, promising to stay awake so that I could catch some zzzzzzzzz while ensuring that he didn't pull his IVs out or do anything else risky. While it certainly wasn't as restful as being home, it sure was nice to catch a full 3 hours nap. YAY!

Now if I could only get him to relinquish the remote...booger doesn't want ANYone watching TV unless he's watching HIS chosen channel. Poor sitter this morning got quite an eyeful when Patrick went off the deep end over it. He was ZONKED and I had gone downstairs to grab a cup of coffee. She *dared* to turn on the TV and he was fully awake and totally unglued in an INSTANT. LOL. He settled the minute she turned it off, but MAN.

Doctor has already been in this morning to check his progress and is pleased. YAY!


Angie Litterst said...

Sounds like "so far, so good." I'm glad to hear it! You should make a sign for the door that says, "Keep your hands off the remote and nobody gets hurt!" ROFL! Hang in there. :)

Angie Litterst

Anonymous said...

That's a good service the hospital provides. Hope all the sitters like whatever Patrick likes on TV :)

Shasta said...

HEHEHE!! That's so Patrick! Thank you for keeping us posted. Prayers and Love!!