We don't just go places...we have ADVENTURES!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Abbey's Big Break

Dark link on the left lower bone is the break.
Did I mention that Abbey decided to take Sprink Break seriously?  Yup.  Ended our lovely week off with a trip to the Emergency Room.  Miss Missy broke her left ulna right near her elbow.  And to the inevitable question...err..."freak trampoline incident" involving big brother Matthew and a ridiculously high bounce.  It looked pretty 'til she landed.  On a pancaked Matthew, who carried a big bruise on his butt from her wrist as she tried to slow her progress.  Thank God they both landed on the mat and not on the ground!!

Abbs refused to let me take pics at the inital visit to the ER, but the X-ray tech was kind enough to give Abbey prints to take to school.

Nice BIG pink cast...complete with signatures!
We waited 3 days for the swelling to go down enough that they could put a cast on it.  Her cast was almost as big as she is, though it helped a great deal that it was PINK! 

Maybe if I don't look, it'll go away?

Amazing how quickly they can heal...in just 3 weeks, the cast came off and Girly is all set to get back into the action...

She was really worried about the saw they were going to use to cut off the cast.  Nice nurse had no clue how upset Abbey was about this...at first...but check out the cutie baby smile under that hand...

A few goofy faces later and she's rarin' to go!

Funny face on a silly girl!
Ready to get back in the action!

The best (funniest?) part of the cast removal?  Her Easter tattoos were intact beneath the cast!  She got to enjoy them all over again!

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