We don't just go places...we have ADVENTURES!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

GREAT at Eight!

Middle child Matthew turned 8 in June. (Yes, lots of celebrating in June!!) He set his sights on things courtly and requested a castle and knight playset...he was not disappointed. ;-) And then scored BIG with a gift card to Borders from Gramma & Gramps. We enjoyed a lovely cookies & cream ice cream cake (from Baskin-Robbins, of course!) and lunch at a local Mexican restaurant. (Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, that's for certain!)

What you might not know about Matt:

  • His family color is green, but his favorite color is blue.

  • He is a VORACIOUS reader! (he's my bookstore buddy)

  • He is very friendly and loves to chat with ANYone.

  • He can beat 2 out of 3 babysitters at Scrabble.

  • He LOVES school!!

  • He is sneaky when in stealth mode...and often surprises us with the places he ends up!

He is fabulous, wonderful and GREAT at 8!! Can't wait to see what surprises are in store for us this year, kiddo!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Matthew. Come play Scrabble with me some time - it is my favorite!

Shasta said...

Matthew is the king of great questions that we often have to look up the answer to. He comes up with some profound comments, that have you thinking where'd that come from?

He's also a great brother!!!